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Friday, February 7, 2014

Winter activities- Janel Smietana

It's been a long winter. Every time I think it's heating up, we get slammed with more snow. That shouldn't get you down however, since there are many fun winter activities abound. Recently we took a ski trip (Janel Smietana and Joshua Cole). Snow was in abundance in the area, that is until it was our time to bask in the winter sport glory. It rained and warmed up, much to our dismay. We were troopers and proceeded with great focus and intent to get out ski portion of the trip!

~ Janel Smietana
Janel Smietana


  1. thank you! We were soaked after the run and it was very slippery, but glad we got our ski on! :)
    Janel Smietana, Iowa

  2. Awesome Janel Smietana.... Great job on the skii's!!!


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